Though millions of households at the beginning of the year already had their own gardens started, there should be no surprise that the numbers are on the rise. With everything going on in the world, the idea of not having to leave the comfort of your home for sustenance is quite appealing. Not only is gardening a great way to source your own food, but it is also an excellent way to pass the time if you feel like you have a bit extra on your hands at the moment. If you have never gardened before, doing a little research ahead of time can make all the difference in how well your garden succeeds. Here are a few tips to help you get started!
Start Inside Though temperatures are on the rise, evenings may still be chilly depending on where you live. Starting your vegetable growth indoors will protect them from any potential freezing. Growing your seedlings indoors also gives them the opportunity to get a little stronger before facing the harsh conditions that can arise outside.
Choose The Best Location Before preparing your garden, you will want to find out what spot of your yard is best for your beds. You will likely want a spot where there is direct sun for at least 8 hours a day, as this is the norm for many vegetables.
Install Raised Beds Once you’ve found the best location and your seedlings are growing, you will want to prepare your garden for transfer. Using raised beds allows for a deep soil stack for further root growth and can just making planting easier. It can even prevent unwanted critters from stealing your vegetables!
Add Pollinating Attractions & Bug Repellant Bugs aren’t always bad. Having those around who will pollinate your flowering veggies can be extremely beneficial, so it is always helpful to plant flowers that attract pollinators. At the same time, planting herbs like mint and lavender will repel bad bugs and even rabbits and other animals.
Consider An Irrigation System Properly watering is a key part of having a plentiful garden. While you may be home now for those morning and evening waterings, it might be a little hard to keep up with once you are back at work if you have to leave during the day. Investing in a drip irrigation system can save you time and money, as it slowly soaks your plants without over-watering them.